As we launch into the new financial year Arete Executive is enjoying a very busy period, both in terms of our executive recruitment services, and also our career coaching and advocacy. In my discussions with CEOs and Chairs, the job market in South East Queensland still seems to be slower than in Sydney and Melbourne. That said, there is still a reasonable amount of hiring going on across most sectors other than Mining (which remains fairly stagnant from a recruitment perspective).
From the employer’s perspective, whilst there is a high volume of pro-active candidates applying for roles across most sectors and skill sets, it’s still important to remember that senior executives need to be treated with respect throughout your hiring process. We are seeing the vast majority of job advertisements now having no contact details of an internal recruiter/hiring manager for them to call; and also often these candidate get no acknowledgement of status their applications, in many instances for months after submission if at all. You want all applicants to have a positive experience, even if their applications are ultimately rejected. This is something I would urge you to spend time investigating within your organisations to ensure you are happy with what is actually happening.
From the executive candidate’s perspective, the hidden job market is accounting for more and more hires than ever before. LinkedIn has completely changed the way organisations now access talent, and LinkedIn also now gives you unprecedented, direct access to your employers of choice. If you aren’t already doing so, I strongly encourage you to start directly contacting your employers of choice via LinkedIn, follow up with a phone call, and get in front of them before they know they need you.
The Arete Podcast continues to grow from strength to strength, with over 50 interviews recorded at the time of writing this. If your CEO or Chair is interested in being a guest on the Arete Podcast, I’d welcome the opportunity to have a conversation about how that can happen.
I trust you have had a successful 2015/2016 financial year and the new year looks even brighter. If we can assist in any way, please don’t hesitate to touch base.