Lincoln is the CEO of Multiple Sclerosis Society of Queensland (MS Queensland).
For the last 27 years he has been working in the health and community service sector. He began his working life in the finance industry as a chalkie at the Sydney Stock Exchange and, in a short space of time, progressed to being a licensed stockbroker for Pembroke Securities. A stock market crash and a reality check later, he turned his back on a very promising career in pursuit of “something more”.
He commenced working with the Sydney City Mission in 1990, firstly in Kings Cross with disadvantaged and homeless young people and then in a diverse range of roles from front line social work, program management, policy and advocacy, fundraising and executive leadership including national leadership of 2,000 staff and an annual budget of $180m.
He has more than 20 years management experience, including the last ten at Executive level, and is currently the CEO and Company Secretary of MS Queensland.
He has been extensively involved with other community organisations through directorships of ACOSS, Mission Australia Early Learning Services, MA Housing Ltd and Aboriginal micro enterprise nonprofit Many Rivers Microfinance. He is also the Founding Chair of the award-winning NeuroCare Network collaboration.
He holds qualifications in Conflict Resolution, post graduate qualifications in Commerce and am a non-graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). He became a Fellow of the Vincent Fairfax Ethical Leadership Program in 2011.
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